12th Annual BookFinder.com Report
Out-of-print and in demand

Welcome to the 12th annual BookFinder.com Report, in which we publish a list of the top 100 most searched for out-of-print book titles from the previous year. The out-of-print books people wanted in 2014 had some similarities to the previous year but the biggest surprise might be that people are less interested in Sex… by Madonna. After a lengthy run at the top of the charts the Queen of Pop's explicit photographic romp was superseded by not one but two books.

American readers now seem to have a keen interest in the ineptitude of British military leaders with 'On the Psychology of Military Incompetence' by Norman F Dixon leading the list. The book dives into combat futility by using a fascinating series of examples of utter ineptitude throughout the 100 years prior to the book’s writing from the Crimean War to the Boer War and the disastrous ‘Market Garden’ operation of WWII. Dixon analyzes poor decision-making (or sometimes the lack of decision-making at all) from a psychological point of view.

Dixon cites examples where military leaders failed to adapt to technological change, rejected useful information which conflicted with their pre-conceptions, wanted to consistently find scapegoats (who were usually dead), regularly suppressed news about setbacks, charged into conflict without reconnaissance and generally perpetuated the class system by refusing to show any empathy towards the plight of the ‘lower’ ranks. He also works to explain how officers of dubious skill made their way up the ranks by virtue of class and social connections. It’s a fascinating read, and if it didn’t involve so many tragic events for common soldiers it might almost be comical in parts. Clearly, the book has great relevance for today’s military leaders in helping to prevent the repeat of past mistakes.

This year’s runner up shows once and for all that the best way to keep one’s mind clean and pure is to stand waist deep in a cold river. The Lovely Reed: An Enthusiast's Guide to Building Bamboo Fly Rods by Jack Howell was last seen on the BookFinder.com Report in 2012. The book is very highly regarded among fly fishers, not only for the quantity of information available but moreover for the way in which it is presented. I am admittedly not a fly fishing expert but every review I read of this book suggests that if you were to only have one book on the subject, this is the one. A good how-to manual never ages; and by all accounts this is a classic.

As always there are many other interesting volumes within the ranks of the list but self-exploration is always more rewarding so without further ado we reveal the 100 most sought after out-of-print books of 2014.

1. On the Psychology of Military Incompetence
by Norman F. Dixon
Basic Books; New York, NY, 1976
Hardcover; First Edition
447 pages. 21 cm

This unique and penetrating book surveys 100 years of military inefficiency from the Crimean War, through the Boer conflict, to the disasterous campaigns of the First World War and the calamities of the Second. It examines the social psychology of military organizations, provides case studies of individual commanders and identifies an alarming pattern in the causes of military disaster.
2. Lovely Reed: An Enthusiast's Guide to Building Bamboo Fly Rods
by Jack Howell
Pruett; Boulder, CO, 1998
Hardcover; First Edition
191 pages.

A lively, conversational, step-by-step book on how to build one's own bamboo fly rod. Comprehensive chapters cover the best bamboo for fly rods, treating and caring for bamboo cane prior to construction, essential tools and materials, preparation, rod design, care for the rod, and selecting a reel seat. Step-by-step photos and illustrations complement the book's accessible approach to a complex craft. This book refinds itself on our most sought after list for the first time since 2011.
3. Sex
by Madonna (i.e. Louise Veronica Ciccione)
Warner Books; New York, NY, 1992
Full-Metal, Spiral Bound; First Edition
132 pages. 32 cm

Madonna Sex (first published in 1992) was the highly controversial erotic photography book which features the queen of pop along with other early 1990s notables including rappers Vanilla Ice & Big Daddy Kane as well as model Naomi Campbell. The book itself is spiral bound and actually quite fragile making fine copies relatively rare; copies still found in their Mylar wrapping sheet command an extra premium. The book went beyond basic erotica of the day, with several shoots pushing various social taboos, and earned Madonna the moniker “Queen of the Obscene.” After the books initial, albeit large, print run Sex has never since been reproduced as Madonna has very typically moved on from this phase of her career. As such one can assume that Sex will probably remain out of print indefinitely.
4. The Body
by Stephen King
Pearson; New York, NY, 2008
Paperback; First Edition
88 pages.

Gordie Lanchance and his three friends are always ready for adventure When they hear about a dead body in the forest they go to look for it Then they.. discover how cruel the world can be.
5. Rage
by Stephen King (as Richard Bachman) (*1947)
Signet; New York, NY, 1977
Paperback, First Edition
211 pages. 18 cm

Rage (originally titled Getting It On) is the first novel by Stephen King published under the pseudonym Richard Bachman in 1977. It was collected in 1985 in the hardcover omnibus The Bachman Books. When King decided to let Rage fall out of print in the United States, it was available only as part of The Bachman Books. The other novels that appeared in that compilation (The Long Walk, Roadwork, and The Running Man) are now published as separate books in the USA.
6. The Colorado Kid
by Stephen King
Hard Case Crime; New York, NY, 2005
Paperback; First Edition
184 pages.

This mystery novel written by Stephen King for the Hard Case Crime imprint, published in 2005. The book was issued in one paperback-only edition by the specialty crime and mystery publishing house.
7. The Road We Are Traveling: 1914-1942
by Stuart Chase
The Twentieth Century Fund; New York, NY, 1942
Hardcover; First Edition
106 pages

Chase (1888-1985) was an Economics graduate from MIT, and this was one of his many publications on the topic of socalism and Economics. The revival in interest in the book came after it was linked, by Glenn Beck, to a Barack Obama 2012 campaign video called "The Road We've Traveled". Beck made several links between Obama's presidential goals and the thems in Chase's book: strong centralized government, Control of banking, credit and security exchanges, Underwriting of food, housing and medical care by the government, and Use of deficit spending to finance underwritings among others. Another interesting literary tie in about the author was that early in his career he took a job with the Food Administration of the FTC with his fellow MIT classmates Walter Lippman, John Reed and T.S. Eliot. One of the cases Chase investigated at this post was corruption of the meatpacking industry with none other than Upton Sinclair.
8. On the Nature and Existence of God
by Richard M. Gale
Cambridge University Press; Norwalk, CT, 1999
Paperback, Reprinted
422 p. ; 23 cm.

First published in 1991 this is Richard Gale's critical response to the plethora of defences of theism published in the 1980s. While this book out of print, currently it is also available as a print on demand edition.
9. 365 Bedtime Stories
by Nan Gilbert (1920-2011)
Western Pub. Co.; Racine, WI, 1970
Hardcover, Reprint
382 pages color illustrations 27 cm

First published in 1955 the book contains A story for every day of the year about the children on What-a-Jolly Street.
10. Collector’s Guide to Colt .45 Service Pistols
by Charles W. Clawson
Clawson Publications; Fort Wayne, IN, 2003.
Hardcover; Reprint
146 p.; 24 cm

Long touted as the definitive "Bible" of Colt Model 1911 handguns, this must-have book covers the years from 1911 to the end of Model 1911 production in 1945. The book features 146 pages profusely illustrated with detailed photos, drawings and descriptions that instruct you in identifying proper parts and accessories for each manufacturer and model.


Top 100 most sought after out-of-print books in 2014

11 Ray Bradbury Dark Carnival
12 Charles W. Eliot The Harvard Classics (51 volumes)
13 Vincent & Mary Price A Treasury of Great Recipes
14 Nora Roberts Promise Me Tomorrow
15 Salvador Dali The Jerusalem Bible
16 Dave S. Steinberg Vibration Analysis for Electronic Equipment
17 Cameron Crowe Fast Times at Ridgemont High
18 Joseph Zbukvic Mastering Atmosphere & Mood in Watercolor
19 Richard Green The Thwarting of Laplace's Demon
20 Henry Thomas Arithmetic Progress Papers

21 David R Wilkerson Racing Toward Judgment
22 Stephen King My Pretty Pony
23 Ricky Jay Cards As Weapons
24 H.W. Janson History of Art
25 Anne Golon The Angelique Series
26 Carl Sagan Murmurs of Earth
27 Madeleine L’Engle Ilsa
28 James Virgil Howe The Modern Gunsmith
29 Kyle Onstott Mandingo
39 Cristina de Middel The Afronauts

31 Arthur Hailey Airport
32 David French British General Staff: Reform and Innovation
33 Norman Rockwell 102 Favorite Paintings
34 Anne Alexander The Pink Dress
35 Dorothea Lange An American Exodus: A Record of Human Erosion
36 Lynne Cheney Sisters
37 John Ross Unintended Consequences
38 Jack S. Levy War in the Modern Great Power System 1495-1975
39 Ivy Wallace Pookie
40 J.R. Hartley Fly Fishing: Memories of Angling Days

41 Richard Barès and Charles Ernest Massonet Analysis of Beam Grids and Orthotropic Plates by the Guyon-Massonet-Barès Method
42 Martin Caidin Cyborg
43 Charles Flato Golden Book of the Civil War
44 Walt Kelly I Go Pogo
45 David Wilkerson Set the Trumpet to Thy Mouth
46 Richard Rutt A History of Hand Knitting
47 Elmer Keith Hell, I Was There
48 Mary Konior A Pattern Book of Tatting
49 Holling C. Holling The Book of Indians
50 Linda Dawson & Terry Furchgott Phoebe and the Hot Water Bottles

51 Garry Winogrand Women Are Beautiful
52 Don Graf Basic Building Data: 10,000 Timeless Construction Facts
53 Ray Garton In A Dark Place
54 Mike Dayton A complete guide to learning and understanding Chi mind control
55 Johnny Cash Man in Black: His Own Story in His Own Words
56 Watty Piper The Bumper Book, A Harvest of Stories and Verses
57 Arthur Koestler The Act of Creation
58 Roy Burkholder Be not conformed to this world : a narrative history of the Weaverland Mennonites, 1900-1975
59 Tom Lea The King Ranch
60 Jacob Norwood The Riddle of Steel : Roleplaying with an Edge

61 Barbara Brackman Encyclopedia of Pieced Quilt Patterns
62 Rev. Alfred Nevin The Holy Bible
63 Donald Hamilton The Big Country
64 Penny Lee Dean Open Water Swimming
65 Joseph Zbukvic Mastering Atmosphere and Mood in Watercolor: the Critical Ingredients That Turn Paintings into Art
66 William James Philpott Anglo-French relations and strategy on the Western Front 1914-18
67 Mary Konior Crochet Lace: An Illustrated Guide to Making Crochet Lace Fabrics
68 Jack Hamm First Lessons in Drawing and Painting
69 R.P. Hunnicutt Stuart: A History of the American Light Tank
70 Jan Wolkers Turkish Delight

71 C T J Dodson Categories, Bundles and Spacetime Topology
72 Paul Hoffman To Drop A Dime
73 Betty MacDonald Anybody Can Do Anything
74 Evan Green Kalinda
75 Ronald Sanders Lost Tribes and Promised Lands: The Origins of American Racism
76 Jack Handford Professional Pattern Grading for Women's, Men's, and Children's Apparel
77 David Pelham Sam's Sandwich
78 Kenneth Nathaniel Taylor The Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes
79 Paul Kelso Kelso's Shrug Book
80 Victor H Green The Negro Motorist Green Book: An International Travel Guide

81 Charles Lindbergh We
82 Will Durant The Story of Civilization
83 Arthur W. Upfield The Barrakee Mystery
84 Kate Seredy The Chestry Oak
85 Arnold Kellett Isms and Ologies: A Guide to Unorthodox and Non-Christian Beliefs
86 Nazareth V. Asorian Precious Souls: A Culture Unraveling
87 Jonas A. Zukas Impact Dynamics
88 Karl P. Cohen The Theory of Isotope Separation as Applied to the Large Scale Production of U235
89 Thomas Ferris Milne This World and That: The Autobiography of a Diver
90 Michele Directory of Alternative Communities in the British Isles

91 Jane Hilberry The Erotic Art of Edgar Britton
92 Curtis Richards Halloween
93 Virginia Williams A Different Kind of Life
94 Homer K. Luttringer The Innovators The New Holland Story Hardcover
95 Marion Arnold South African Botanical Art: Peeling Back the Petals
96 Gerard Michael Cardew and G.V. Cardew The Airgun from Trigger to Target Paperback
97 Seth A. Klarman Margin of Safety: Risk-Averse Value Investing Strategies for the Thoughtful Investor
98 John D. Green Birds of Britain
99 Bill Mollison Permaculture: A Designers' Manual
100 Janet Woods Beyond the Plough